What should I bring?
We recommend bringing a mat, towel, and water bottle. The studio has these items for rent and/or sale if you forget. We offer complimentary blocks and straps, but if you have your own, feel free to bring those too.
Am I flexible enough for yoga?
Yes! The most common misconception about yoga is that you need to be flexible in order to practice. This couldn't be further from the truth. Many of the poses you see on the internet and in magazines are not realistic for the average yogi, and we don't expect otherwise. Yoga can help you become more flexible, but that's just one of the many benefits.
How do I sign up?
You can sign up in the studio or online at any Book a Class or Join the Community links.
What if it’s my first time?
No problem! Our teachers are trained to teach to all levels, and our classes are designed for everyone. If you're feeling hesitant, feel free to pop in early and ask questions. We were all beginners once and understand that a new class can be intimidating. Our goal is for your first experience to be a positive one.
I'm pregnant. Can I still practice?
Many doctors recommend yoga during pregnancy. That being said, it's important you consult your doctor first and find out what's best for you and your pregnancy. If you get the green light, just give your instructor a heads-up before class. Although most poses are safe for most pregnant women, some may require slight modifications.
How much does yoga cost?
We have a variety of class packs and memberships to suit any budget or lifestyle. Check out our Class Passes page to check them out.
What if I'm running late?
We highly recommend arriving to class at least 10 minutes in advance to allow ample time for check in and set-up before class begins. All our yoga classes begin promptly at their scheduled time. Due to the size and layout of our studio, we cannot guarantee late entry to class for dropins. If you are running late, please call the studio or message us on Instagram so we can try to accomodate.
What should I wear to class?
Wear comfortable clothing that allows your body to move freely. We recommend that you avoid baggy clothing that would make it difficult for your teacher to see alignment in the poses. While deodorant is a must-have, please avoid all perfume and strongly scented fragrances.
What is the difference between a class and a workshop?
A class occurs at the same time and day every week. Students are welcome to drop in or attend regularly. Sign up for classes here. A workshop is a specialty class or event that has a specific focus and objective to support our students’ progression in the practice. Details and registration for workshops can be found HERE.